Our Team and Partners
Who We Are
Founded and Head-Quartered in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, within the iconic West Bridge Mill (a former linoleum mill for which the town was once famouse for) we are proud to call this historic building home for our local employees. It also provides a base for our team scattered around the world when visiting.
Primority is an international food safety compliance and regulatory business with additional offices in Florida (US), New Delhi (India), Cairo (Egypt) and Brisbane (Australia).
Primority is a technology company run by food safety professionals who work hard every day to understand the problems faced by the food supply chain. As the food industry continues its journey towards digitisation, we are well placed to help food businesses stay compliant in a cost effective and easy to use way.
Our team consists of highly experienced industry experts from different technical backgrounds who all contribute their expertise and knowledge to ensure our software and services is the best and most cost effective on the market.
Meet The Team
James Flynn
CEO & Founder
James is a food safety consultant and software technologist with almost 30 years experience. He is the business owner and the architect behind 3iVerify. James is also a qualified PCQI (Preventive Controls Qualified Individual) and manages the direction of our Company and team.
Sue Swinbourne
Technical Services Director
Sue heads up our Technical Services operations. With more than 24 years experience as a food industry technical manager and more than 5 years spent in food sector cloud solutions she has a wealth of experience in helping customers understand what our solution can deliver for them. Sue is embedded in the technical team at Primority and helps direct the solution towards meeting customer needs.
Surjeet Singh Bisht
Chief Technical Officer
Surjeet is Primority's technical lead on the development of our solution and has responsibility for managing our development team. With more than 10 years cloud and web technology experience, Surjeet is core to ensuring our platform is developed on an ongoing basis and that it is maintained and devliers value to our customers.
Fabrizzio (Fab) Vasquez
US Head of Sales & Operations
Fab is responsible for customer onboarding, assisting clients with FDA compliance services and running the US sales and operations. With many years experience in FDA food safety compliance in the produce industry, Fab has helped hundreds of firms with their compliance needs and is well placed to deliver on Primority's objectives in the US market.
Ryan Flynn
Operations Manager
Ryan is a business graduate and a qualified PCQI. He is responsible for business development and marketing activities, customer qualification and processes in both our Primority and Global Import Agent business. Ryan makes sure you talk to the right people and co-ordinates job execution.
Sapna Pant
Technical Support Consultant
Sapna is the 'Swiss army knife' of Primority and gets involved in many different projects, large and small. With a deep understanding of our solution Sapna ensures that we continue to deliver for customers no matter if they are new customers or have been with us for years.
Andy Kerridge
UK Lead Consultant
A senior food safety consultant with decades of experience in auditing, food safety, food fraud and quality management. He was previously Senior Quality Director at Burger King and consultant for PepsiCo. Andy is a qualified PCQI and a highly experienced food safety compliance consultant.
Rachna Tiwari
Junior Developer
Rachna is responsible for developing and supporting our 3iVerify solution in addition to numerous other developments in dashboards and a myriad of other tasks. She has been instrumental in helping Primority scale its support operation and drive customer communication processes to ensure that Primority delivers on its customer service objectives.
Meet our Global Partners
Amr Rizkana
RDP Egypt and Middle East
Amr is our Egypt and Middle Eastern Regional Digital Principal partner and works with companies and organisations in Egypt to support our software and regulatory compliance solutions. With more than 30 years experience in the food safety regulatory space, Amr is well placed to advise organisations on how to improve their regulatory compliance through digitisation and food safety consulting and regulatory issues. Amr's consulting firm Produce Factory Solution provides a wide range of local and international food safety auditing, training and regulatory services .
Margaret Balfour
RDP Australia and New Zealand
Margaret is our Regional Digital Principal in the Australia and New Zealand region. With decades of food safety and regulatory experience, Margaret is a BRCGS Approved Trainign Partner and food safety consultant with experience across a wide range of sectors. She runs her consulting and training business, diligence., based in Australia which provides highly complimentary services to those of Primority and advises and supports Australian and New Zealand customers in a time zone and culture that makes sense to customers and to Primority.